Moving Beyond Trauma

Living with trauma can be all consuming. Whether you are struggling with anxiety, flashbacks, avoidance or negative changes in beliefs we are here to help. Naviagting trauma can feel isolating, let us guide you in taking the next steps towards healing.

Common Symptoms Related to Trauma

  • Flashbacks and intrusive memories

  • Avoidance of reminders of the traumatic event

  • Hyperarousal and heightened anxiety

  • Negative changes in mood and beliefs

  • Difficulty concentrating and sleeping

Learn how to start healing.

We provide a safe, supportive and confidential space to express your emotion, thoughts and personal experiences. Our Moving Beyond Trauma Services will help you develop healthy coping skills and begin to establish long lasting grounding techniques tailored to your unique therapeutic goals at this time.

What To Expect

During the intake session, our clinicians will conduct a thorough evaluation and diagnosis of your specific condition. The clinician will work with you to tailor a treatment plan to meet your unique challenges.

During one-on-one sessions with a Licensed Professional Counselor, the clinician will help you develop coping skills to manage your distress. Our clinicians will work with you to feel more comfortable in your own body and feel relief from stress.

Start Your Healing Journey.

Schedule a Free 15-minute consultation.

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