Understanding Your Happiness Levels: A Dive into Lyubomirsky's Research

As a therapist, my job involves helping people understand their own emotions, including happiness. One of the most influential researchers in this field is Sonja Lyubomirsky, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside.

Lyubomirsky's research focuses on understanding human happiness, how it works, and how it can be increased. She proposes that our individual level of happiness is determined by three factors: our genetic set point, our circumstances, and our intentional activities.

The genetic set point for happiness, according to Lyubomirsky, is something we are born with. It is a baseline level of happiness that we naturally revert to, and it accounts for about 50% of our happiness levels.

Circumstances, such as our income, marital status, and age, account for about 10% of our happiness levels. Interestingly, Lyubomirsky's research shows that changes in circumstances do not have a lasting impact on our happiness levels. Once we adapt to the new circumstances, our level of happiness tends to revert back to the baseline.

The remaining 40% of our happiness level is determined by our intentional activities, or the things we choose to do. This is the part of our happiness that we have the most control over. By engaging in activities that make us happy, such as spending time with loved ones, exercising, or pursuing a hobby, we can increase our happiness levels.

The key takeaway from Lyubomirsky's research is that while we can't change our genetic set point for happiness, we do have control over a significant portion of our happiness levels. By understanding this, we can make choices and engage in activities that will increase our happiness.

At Beverly Groves Therapy, we utilize such research to assist clients in understanding their emotions and ultimately leading a happier, more fulfilling life! Remember its totally “normal” to not always feel happy and its always okay to ask for help.

Throughout the month of March, we will be discussing happiness levels here on our blog and on our Instagram. As always, we offer tele-health and in person therapy sessions across Arizona. To schedule a session, visit our website or contact our office directly.


Implementing Lyubomirsky's Happiness Strategies in Everyday Life


The Importance of Therapy for Emotional Well-being