The Science Behind Intuitive Eating (IE)

Intuitive eating, a non-diet approach to health and wellness, is about trusting your inner body wisdom to make choices around food that feel good in your body, without judgement and influence from diet culture.

As a therapist, I’ve seen firsthand how this approach can drastically change people’s lives. The science behind intuitive eating is robust, with over 100 studies supporting its benefits. These include lower cholesterol and blood pressure, better mental health, and a healthier relationship with food.

The principle of intuitive eating is not new. It's based on the understanding that our bodies have the innate wisdom to know what they need. This is something that we are born with but that can be lost through external influences and societal pressures around diet and body size.

Intuitive eating is about relearning how to trust your body. It’s about listening to your hunger and fullness cues, understanding your emotional cues, and making food choices based on what your body needs and what feels good.

It’s about letting go of food rules, dieting, and weight obsession. It’s about embracing food as nourishment, enjoyment, and an important part of your life, rather than something to be feared or controlled.

In my practice, I’ve seen how intuitive eating can lead to improved body image, better mental health, and a more peaceful relationship with food. It’s not a quick fix or a diet in disguise, but a journey of self-discovery and healing.

Embracing intuitive eating is a step towards a healthier and happier life. It’s a journey that is well worth taking however as always, I recommend everyone speak to their physician regarding nutrition. Never utilize this material to avoid seeking medical advice or delay.


Now let’s address the science behind IE:

  1. Individuals who follow the principles of IE have lower BMI and lower Cholesterol.      

  2. Positive correlations between positivity, self-esteem, optimism and proactive coping 

  3. Increases interoceptive awareness.

  4. Adolescents have lower BMI, higher satisfaction with life and self-esteem, as well as increases in positive moods. 

  5. The quality of nutrition improves. 

  6. Lower levels of inflammation 

  7. Children have an increased ability to recognize their own hunger cues and avoid emotional eating.

  8. Studies show women who suppress hunger cues show a decrease in self-esteem, IE reverses this. 

  9. Body awareness and acceptance increases, which in turn improves the individual's ability to recognize hunger. 

  10. IE can clinically reverse BED (Binge Eating Disorder) however as always please speak to your physician about IE & Nutrition.

  11. IE improves both obesity & underweight conditions however as always please speak to your physician about IE & Nutrition.

  12. IE is helpful in improving clinical outcomes for all ED types however as always please speak to your physician about IE & Nutrition.


    Jennings, Kerri-Ann. “A Quick Guide to Intuitive Eating.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 25 June 2019,,about%20emotional%20eating%20since%201982. 

    Shohreh. “The Nuances of Intuitive Eating in Black Communities with Ayana Habtemariam: #20.” Shohreh Davoodi, 10 June 2021, 

    Tribole, Evelyn, and Elyse Resch. Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works. St. Martin's Griffin, 2012. 

    “10 Principles of Intuitive Eating.” Intuitive Eating, 19 Dec. 2019,


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