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5 Ways to Apply Intuitive Eating from a Therapist's Viewpoint
Lezlee Hays LPC Lezlee Hays LPC

5 Ways to Apply Intuitive Eating from a Therapist's Viewpoint

Intuitive eating is a self-care eating framework that involves using your own body's cues to guide what and when you eat. It's all about nourishing your body and respecting its signals, rather than following external diet rules. Here are five ways to apply intuitive eating suggested by therapists:

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Who Can Benefit from Intuitive Eating? A Therapist's Perspective
Lezlee Hays LPC Lezlee Hays LPC

Who Can Benefit from Intuitive Eating? A Therapist's Perspective

As a therapist, I often encounter clients who struggle with their relationship to food. From restrictive diets to binge eating, these unhealthy patterns can lead to feelings of guilt, shame and stress. One approach that can help is Intuitive Eating. Intuitive Eating is a non-diet approach to health and wellness that helps you tune into your body signals, break the cycle of chronic dieting and heal your relationship with food. From a therapist's perspective, this is a powerful tool for fostering self-care and promoting mental health.

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Exercise Should Feel Good: A Therapist’s Perspective
Lezlee Hays LPC Lezlee Hays LPC

Exercise Should Feel Good: A Therapist’s Perspective

As a therapist, I often recommend exercise as a tool to maintain mental wellbeing. Exercise can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve sleep, and boost your mood. But there's an important caveat to this: exercise should feel good.

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The Ten Principles of Intuitive Eating: A Therapists Perspective
Lezlee Hays LPC Lezlee Hays LPC

The Ten Principles of Intuitive Eating: A Therapists Perspective

As a therapist, I've seen firsthand the transformative power of intuitive eating. This approach, which emphasizes listening to your body's cues rather than adhering to external dieting rules, can promote a healthier and happier relationship with food. Here are the ten principles of intuitive eating:

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The History of Intuitive Eating: A Therapist's Perspective
Lezlee Hays LPC Lezlee Hays LPC

The History of Intuitive Eating: A Therapist's Perspective

Intuitive eating, a concept that promotes a healthy relationship with food and body, has gained significant attention over the past few years. However, its roots go back several decades, with the term 'intuitive eating' first coined in the mid-1990s by two dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. The philosophy of intuitive eating is rooted in the idea of listening to your body's hunger and fullness cues, rather than adhering to external diet rules. This approach rejects dieting and the diet mentality, promoting a non-diet approach to food and health.

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Intuitive Eating | Is IE a healthier path forward?
Lezlee Hays LPC Lezlee Hays LPC

Intuitive Eating | Is IE a healthier path forward?

As a therapist, I often encounter individuals struggling with their relationship with food. It's becoming increasingly apparent with the help of recent research that traditional dieting methods may not be sustainable in the long run. This is where intuitive eating, a concept beautifully explained by Kerri-Ann Jennings in her article "A Quick Guide to Intuitive Eating", comes into play.

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How to Elevate Your Happiness Level: Strategies from Therapy and Lyubomirsky
Lezlee Hays LPC Lezlee Hays LPC

How to Elevate Your Happiness Level: Strategies from Therapy and Lyubomirsky

Happiness is not a destination, but a journey. It's not a single, static point but a dynamic state that can fluctuate based on our actions, thoughts, and experiences. As a therapist and a follower of renowned psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky's work, I've gleaned some strategies that can help elevate your happiness level.

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Boosting Happiness Levels: Practical Tips from Therapy and Lyubomirsky
Lezlee Hays LPC Lezlee Hays LPC

Boosting Happiness Levels: Practical Tips from Therapy and Lyubomirsky

This blog post provides practical tips to increase your happiness levels, drawn from therapy practice and the work of psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky. It suggests everyday habits like practicing gratitude and optimism, avoiding overthinking, performing acts of kindness, and nurturing relationships. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can enhance your happiness and enjoy a more fulfilling life.

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Can Therapy Improve Your Happiness Level? A Look at the Science
Lezlee Hays LPC Lezlee Hays LPC

Can Therapy Improve Your Happiness Level? A Look at the Science

This blog post discusses the impact of therapy on happiness levels. It explains how therapy helps us understand our emotions and behaviors and provides strategies to manage stress and cultivate positivity. The article cites scientific studies, indicating that therapy can lead to significant improvements in happiness and life satisfaction, while reducing depressive symptoms. However, it also reminds readers that therapy is not a quick fix, but a process that requires patience, dedication, and self-exploration.

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Implementing Lyubomirsky's Happiness Strategies in Everyday Life
Lezlee Hays LPC Lezlee Hays LPC

Implementing Lyubomirsky's Happiness Strategies in Everyday Life

Lezlee Hays founder of Beverly Groves Therapy explains Sonja Lyubomirsky's happiness strategies offer practical ways to enhance our daily lives. Through simple practices such as expressing gratitude, cultivating optimism, and nurturing our social relationships, we can actively work towards a happier, more fulfilled life. By integrating these strategies into our routines, we not only improve our emotional well-being but also our overall quality of life.

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Understanding Your Happiness Levels: A  Dive into Lyubomirsky's Research
Lezlee Hays LPC Lezlee Hays LPC

Understanding Your Happiness Levels: A Dive into Lyubomirsky's Research

In this blog, we explore Sonja Lyubomirsky's influential research on human happiness. According to Lyubomirsky, our happiness levels are determined by three factors: our genetic set point, our circumstances, and our intentional activities. Although we can't change our genetic set point for happiness, we do have control over a significant portion of our happiness levels. By understanding this, we can make choices and engage in activities that will increase our happiness. At Beverly Groves Therapy, we utilize such research to assist clients in understanding their emotions and leading a happier, more fulfilling life.

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The Importance of Therapy for Emotional Well-being
Jordan Chassman Jordan Chassman

The Importance of Therapy for Emotional Well-being

Therapy provides a safe and confidential space for individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It offers support and guidance in navigating life's challenges, helping individuals develop coping mechanisms and strategies for personal growth. In this article we discuss how therapy can play a vital role in improving mental well-being.

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Depression: Let’s First Address the Elephant in the Room
Lezlee Hays LPC Lezlee Hays LPC

Depression: Let’s First Address the Elephant in the Room

Depression rates are rising in the United States. The steepest increases are happening to women and young adults. Lifetime depression rates are also rising. Around 37% of women will be diagnosed with depression at some point in their life. That rate used to be much lower just 5 years ago. Over 25% of people in the United States right now will experience depression in their lifetime.

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ADHD & Disordered Eating
Lezlee Hays LPC Lezlee Hays LPC

ADHD & Disordered Eating

Did you know ADHD makes healthy eating a lot harder? People with ADHD are more likely to develop an eating disorder than other people. There’s a big correlation between people who have ADHD and people who have developed an eating disorder, and this correlation has been proven over and over again in repeated studies.

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Have you heard of “Time Blindness”? | ADHD
Lezlee Hays LPC Lezlee Hays LPC

Have you heard of “Time Blindness”? | ADHD

Are you the person who sits around the house waiting for their doctors appointment even though you have a lot of time before you even need to leave the house? Are you the person who is habitually late to pick up your friend for dinner? Both of those people may have a version of time blindness.

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Is Anxiety Genetic and do I just have to live with It?
Lezlee Hays LPC Lezlee Hays LPC

Is Anxiety Genetic and do I just have to live with It?

This question comes up in therapy sometimes because some people notice almost everyone in their family is anxious and they aren’t sure if there’s anything that can do to really change that. Licensed Professional Counselor Lezlee Hays addresses this common question about genetics and anxiety.

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